Contains:  Solar system body or event
13 February 2024, Ralph Smith

13 February 2024

Revision title: Loop No2

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
13 February 2024, Ralph Smith

13 February 2024

Revision title: Loop No2

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



I had a bad start cloud wise this morning. Managed some images in between cloud cover.
Pretty average conditions but usable.
It appeared that I might get away with an Animation so started and only go 40 minutes until mother nature stepped in.
It again cleared enough to get an hour or so about 35 minutes later. Yasuhiko Tsukuda on Facebook has an excellent post explaining the event
Therefore these really had to be two animations. The finale is the second animation. Tried to stich them but could not get a reasonable result.
The other images again of Active Areas 3576,3582, and a Full Disc.
Full Disc bw.pngFull Disc c.pngAR 35 82 and AR 3583 bw.pngAR 35 82 and AR 3583.pngAR 3576 bw.pngAR 3576 c.pngNE Loops F21.pngRegi NE Loops.png



  • 13 February 2024, Ralph Smith
  • Final
    13 February 2024, Ralph Smith


Title: Loop No2

Description: Second Loop capture

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